The holiday season is here and for most of us, that means school and work breaks, travel, shopping and lots of extra cooking, all of which can interfere with our regular routine. At the same time, the cooler weather and winter germs can wreak havoc on your body and immune system. How can you stick to your wellness plan while dealing with all these variables? Read on for some tips!

Tip 1: Get to bed! Maintaining a regular sleep schedule is one of the top things you can do to stay healthy, happy, and stress-free during the holidays. When you don’t get enough sleep at night, your body releases stress hormones that can lead to feelings of anxiety. Anxiety can cause sleep disruptions, and so the cycle goes. A well-rested body is also better able to fight off illness.

Tip 2: Stick with your fitness routine. Exercise releases endorphins, those feel-good hormones that stay with you for many hours after you’re done working out. You’ll be better able to tackle cooking that holiday meal and wrapping that pile of gifts if you’re feeling energetic and positive. Staying with your exercise schedule may be more challenging in November and December, but the benefits of starting the new year off at the same (or close to the same) weight will get you ahead of the game when it comes to New Year’s resolutions. Check to see if your gym offers guest passes and bring your family and friends along with you! Don’t forget to take advantage of their childcare service as well. Not a gym member? Register for a Turkey Dash or 12K of Christmas race or just go for some extra walks.

Tip 3: Watch what you eat. All those holiday goodies add up! Those few bites of peppermint bark, the pumpkin muffins, the giant servings of all your favorite holiday dishes, not to mention the days of leftovers – leave the average American consuming an extra 300-500 calories per day over these next two months. Enjoy the treats, just do so in moderation, and fill up on immune system-boosting foods like broccoli, yogurt, spinach, and almonds.